Can’t quite read the fine print on those contracts or even see what’s on the menu these days? No one wants to admit they’re “getting older” and, squinting ones eyes or pulling the newspaper away from your face is a clear indication that the oculars need help. That’s when Over 40 Magnifier and Flashlight comes to the rescue. It’s a neat App Store addition for anyone who wants to read things easily, day or night.
Over 40 App Review
You are sitting in a restaurant with some friends and along comes the menu. Most of the time, these babies are easy to read; but sometimes, you’ll get one chock full of items that make your mouth water, but you just can’t make out the wordings of the descriptions of each plate. Top it off with the low-lighting ambiance and you’re in for macular mayhem. By the way, this issue is not exclusive to those over 40. This can happen to anyone.
Over 40 Offers a Helping Hand
Over 40 is a fun little helping hand, or eye, that helps you see the fine print on anything you can get your hands on: a menu, a receipt, the miniscule instructions jam-packed into a wallet sized pamphlet for your sports watch, and more! Not only that, you can shine a light on whatever needs examining, because it’s part of the app. But wait, there’s more. This little app not only helps you read small print, its light is a great tool to help you find things in small places, paired with the magnification.
The app is very simple and easy to use. First off, there is a Help screen that gives you a quick run-down of how to use it. From the main screen, there is a Settings icon at the top left. Click on it to choose how you wish to use the app. You can view the magnifier as a typical magnifying glass through which you’ll see enlarged items, or you can view it as full screen.
You can select how long the flashlight stays lit. This can range from: ON while the flashlight icon is pressed, a particular number of minutes, and finally ON until you double-tap the screen. You can choose to see or hide the main screen controls. You can also take snapshots of what you are magnifying and send them to Twitter or Facebook. By the way, magnification ranges from 1x-10x and is controlled by a slider on the main screen.
Nothing comes for free, and even though you have to pay for this app, there are still those pesky ads that linger at the bottom of your magnification screen. For a nominal fee ($0.99), you can get rid of them; but hey, if you don’t click on them, they really don’t hinder much. I also did not find the screen that presents the app as a magnifying glass to be of much help. I found it much more useful to use the “full screen” setting to see more of what I am magnifying.
This is a great app for reading miniscule manuscript, finding lost items or just checking yourself out. Yes, you can switch the camera, turn on the bright lights and use it like a portable vanity mirror. So really, it’s not just for Over 40, it’s a great app for all!
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