Photo-nerds who wish to keep the metadata of their photos at hand, rejoice. A new app, Map Camera, is available to make such data available for your viewing pleasure, and makes doing so easy. The app, developed by SeeSaw Apps, costs $0.99 and retains all the metadata for your images, even overlaying them below a map of the geographic coordinates of the location the picture was taken.
Map Camera App Review
The app is laid out simply. Users can select to either use the camera to use the app in the moment, or import photos later to add the metadata to older images. It should be noted, however, that this primarily applies to pictures that are taken and saved on that device. Pictures downloaded from photo-sharing sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram generally have the metadata stripped from them. After selecting a photo, the address is overlaid on the image, taken from the metadata coordinates and converted into geographic location.
Also included here is the timestamp, and a name stamp that users are able to edit when they first use the app. A long press on the address brings up a menu of options, including adding the geographic coordinates to the image, changing the address, or adjusting the font color. Users also have the opportunity to change the type of map they’d like the image to generate, whether it be a standard Google Maps style map, a Google Earth style satellite map, or a hybrid of the two. Finally there is a (small) selection of filters that can be added to the photos. There are only six settings, including one for the image as-is.
After saving an image, a user is able to pull it up from the album, and continue to manipulate it. At this point, the text info on the app is no longer editable, but there are three options at the bottom of the screen to pull up further details. A user can press a globe button, which will pull the map and most pertinent metadata into additional frames next to the image. Information included here includes more information on the place and date, as well as the ISO, F-Stop, Shutter Speed, Exposure Time, Brightness, Metering Mode, and whether or not the flash was on.
This overlay is sharable onto any apps that are connected on your device, such as Facebook or Instagram, as well as the ability to add to your camera roll. A middle button deletes the image, and the rightmost button pulls up all the juicy metadata embedded in the image. This information is not overlaid on the image, however, and is not sharable.
SeeSaw’s camera app Map Camera adds a new dimension to your photographs. Although the app does offer some of the metadata as sharable, true photo nerds will be upset about the lack of sharability of the entire metadata. Instead of making it simple, users who may want to see the metadata of another image in it, entirety will have to import the image into Map Camera before they can take a look all of the metadata information.
However, the ability to append a map to the image is fascinating, and the ability to add some of the more pertinent metadata to the image will no doubt be an exciting feature for many users.
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