Keeping up with the Jones’ has taken on new meaning in this free app, recently updated, from Vadim Rokhlin. Musthaver is a neat app, linked to either your Facebook or Twitter account, that allows you to keep a wish list of sorts of some of your most favorite things, items you may be drooling over that someone else has, or something you’ve seen while window shopping that you just have to have, or simply put, must have.
Musthaver – Share and Rate Must-Haves
We’ve all had those moments when we were somewhere and we saw something that really peaked our interest. It could be some electronic device, a dress, some jewelry piece, or a new gadget. In that very moment of first discovery, your initial instinct is “you want it”. If you are smart, you probably take a picture of it so you can look it up later to find where it can be purchased, if you are not already in the store. You may even be in the store but unable to buy it in that very moment. These kinds of precious finds are worth saving and sharing with friends.
Why share, you ask? Maybe something you really want may not be so great after all. Your friends in Musthaver will be able to tell you that, before you plunk down wads of cash. In some cases, they may be able to suggest a better, more economical alternative. Musthaver can be a time and money saver, if used correctly.
So, how exactly do you use this app? Download and connect through one of your social media accounts. Then, start creating and describing entries of items you wish to store and share. These are the must-haves in your life! Once you’ve listed the items you already have, you can then begin to add new items you come across. As you build a friend network, check out and comment on their must-haves. If there is an item you really want to push, find out who has it on their list and comment positively. Share that item with anyone you can. You can be a great marketer online.
Item entries can be enhanced with short commentaries and descriptions paired with photos that speak volumes. Each action you engage in gets you points. Collect enough points and earn the chance to “recommend” your best products. This app allows for a fun and easy way to check out reviews on products you may be considering, with commentary that is real. It’s a fun version of Consumer Reports, if you will.
The presentation of each item is clear, with the picture displayed front and center. At the bottom of each item are three buttons: HAVE, HAD, WANT IT. Each one has a number by it denoting how many of each have been selected by users. You can check out profiles of fellow Musthavers and even follow the ones that seem to share your interests.
The only quip I have with this app is that you must have either a Facebook or Twitter account. They really should open it up to everyone and allow for account setup with just an email address. In spite of that, this app is pretty good for those who like to do their homework before making purchases. It can serve as simply an avenue for entertainment if you are looking to just check out what’s hot and what’s not. As a free app, it is certain worth having.
Download Musthaver from App Store
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