It’s all well and good owning a swimming pool – you have probably spent a fair amount of money in purchasing your pool, you are probably the envy of all your family, friends and neighbors, but when it comes to keeping your pool just right, things get a little harder. You could, of course, hire a specialist to keep your pool clean and in top condition, but it would also help if you have some knowledge in this area yourself. Below you will find a couple of apps that are aimed at helping you keep your pool clean, as well as in a desirable state.
Apps to Keep Your Pool Clean
Pool Doctor App
The Pool Doctor has been specifically designed for those of you own either a spa or swimming pool. One of the most basic features allows you to determine the volume of water your pool requires, irrespective of its shape. You then need to ensure your pool has certain treatments, such as chlorine, bromine and salt. You will also need to test the pool for calcium hardness and certain alkaline and acid levels. This is not an easy job, but exactly what the Pool Doctor app is intended for. If you are unsure of what type of treatment your swimming requires you can carry out certain tests (as guided to by the app) and then enter the results of these tests into the app. The Pool Doctor will then give you the required treatments that are recommended for your pool. Any further information can be ascertained via the “Ask Doctor” feature and your answer will typically be provided within a 24 hour period.
Swim University
The Swim University app is another guide to caring for your swimming pool or spa. This app provides a vast amount of advice and knowledge. You have numerous “how to” videos, as well as articles, blog posts and even buying guides. Should you have a problem with your pool or if you need advice about caring for your pool or spa in the correct manner you will find everything you need with this app. The Pool Doctor app is available for US$9.99 and is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It will require an operating system of iOS 5.1 or later. The Pool Doctor is the highest rated app (by users) in this specific niche and really does take the confusion out of pool care. The Swim University app is free and compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and requires iOS 3.0 or later.
Much of the information found in these extremely useful apps can also be applied to not only swimming pools, but also spas and hot tubs. You will receive a vast amount of information on maintenance, filter cleaning and the required treatments. There is even non-pool related information available in these apps, such as the dangers of drinking and going swimming or if you’re in a spa and you will even find a few recipes that will go perfectly with a dip in the pool on a warm summer’s evening. Author Abbey Brooks, is a project supervisor at OpenAire, a retractable roof structures manufacturers based in the United States. When she is not seen working, she likes to unwind over a cup of coffee and catch up on her favorite sitcoms.
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