Tablets are not just convenient to use in that they are light and portable, can be used for downloading apps and so on. They are also something that you can customize to suit your own personal needs, habits, tastes and preferences. In this article we shall look at some of the most interesting ways in which you can customize your tablet.
Cool Ways To Customize Your Tablet

The wallpaper that graces the screen of your tablet each time you start it up says a great deal about you. Any computer image can be used as wallpaper; you can choose a picture from the Internet or a photograph that you have taken with the device (most tablets, including my BlackBerry PlayBook, have a camera pre-installed on them). You can also make a picture of your own using a graphics program (my tablet has Sketch n Paint) or scan a drawing or painting that you have made and transfer it to your tablet.
Apps and games

Many apps and games come pre-installed on your tablet, and you can download additional ones, either for free or at a price, that enable you to do the things you want or need to do. It should be noted that not all apps of the same kind are equally good at what they are meant to do. For instance, I once got an app that told the local weather, but as some cities were excluded, including my own hometown, I deleted it and downloaded another one. I like the new app much better. Other apps can help you fulfill your personal goals, such as losing weight or getting homework assignments done.
Sync your email to the tablet
The owner of a tablet computer can sync his or her email account to the device and have messages sent to that address appear when the Messages icon is tapped. Once that has been done, a bell rings each time a new message is sent to your address and a red light flashes until the message is opened. This is more than a handy way to know when you have received an email and consequently be able to respond to it immediately. When you send a message using the tablet, it will have the words “Sent from my…” and the name of the tablet brand. I prefer to send emails this way for that reason; it is a way of personalizing the messages I send.
PC Gaming
Some tablets, though by no means all (the Android Honeycomb 3.1 is such an operating system; the following information applies to devices that use this), can have a playstation controller attached to them. To do this you need to have, first of all, a USB OTG (on the go) cable, which allows the contents of the drive to be read to the device just as with a desktop. The controller, once it has been thus connected, actually sends the controls over the USB, which a wireless Xbox controller does not unless it has the right adapter. It can be used to navigate through the system, but not very well; its main purpose should be for gaming, and more specifically for games that you can “key map.”
Different tablets, different degrees of customizability
Not every brand of tablet can be customized in the same way. The various brands, including iPad, BlackBerry and Samsung Galaxy, all differ from each other in the number and kinds of settings available, including the apps that can downloaded to them. You should therefore find out about what each line of tablet can do before you even buy it so as to avoid disappointment and frustration. One final word before we conclude our discussion. If you have bought your tablet from Amazon, you can sell it back to them in order to get the money for a better one, or an updated version of the same brand. Should you decide to do this, you will want to deal-customize the device so that the next owner can re-customize it to suit his personal preferences.
Carol Thomas is a technology and business writer, and write about helpful topics such as tablet reviews and best list of senior tablets.
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