The phrases ‘Tupac’s alive!’, ‘Tupac’s back from the dead’ and ‘OMG Tupac!’ hit social media websites like an angry storm out of the Tropics earlier this year when videos were posted from a very special performance at Coachella festival in the US. The performance showed a very life-like ‘hologram’ of Tupac rapping on stage with DRE and Snoop Dogg; the crowd went nuts. However, how was this clever ‘Tupac hologram’ made – was it even a hologram at all? And more to the fact, what does it mean for the music industry? Read on to find out.
Why was the Tupac Hologram so Successful?
What does this all mean for the future of the music industry?
After Coachella rumors roared round the internet that Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg were planning to take the Tupac hologram on a worldwide tour. However, these rumors were quickly quashed as Dr Dre said the projection was a one off. There is a massive grey area within using projections/holograms really – for where do you draw the line? Will we see Las Vegas in a few years full of your favorite acts, from Jimi Hendrix to Elvis Presley? Maybe. But this may be unfair for the artists who have fallen; they may have preferred to remain ‘unresurrected’.
At the moment, whoever is in control of the estate gets to choose what happens. So with the Tupac hologram, Shakur’s mother was in charge and gave it the green light. Reportedly she was over the moon at the results that she saw. Time will only tell what will be the next step on from the rejuvenated Pepper’s Ghost trick, while we wonder who will be the next dead celebrity to be digitally resurrected.
About the Author
This article was written by Jenny B who works with the Fender Products at DV247, a rock n roller at heart who loves these moments in history when technology can bring back the dead; wow what an advancement in the digital world we live in!
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