Post contributed by Helen Rymore, on behalf of, an insurance company, specializing in settlement letters for Personal Injury Claims.
Familiarizing yourself with the laws of the road is extremely important if you want to keep yourself and fellow drivers safe. The following six essential legal and safety mobile apps will help you stay safer on the road. There are apps available for a wide variety of mobile devices including iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows and Android-based devices.
6 Essential Legal and Safety Mobile Apps
Download these legal and safety mobile apps and recommend them to your friends and family as well.
Road Safety for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
Road Safety is a useful application for learning useful tips regarding road safety. It is targeted towards pedestrians, particularly children who need to learn the rules of the road. It introduces them to traffic management rules and provides many important facts, tips and advice on keeping safe. The app is presented in a fun and interactive way, making it particularly attractive to younger children.
Download Road Safety from iTunes Store
iOnRoad for Various Android-Based Phones
For most of us, a mobile phone is one of the main distractions while driving. iOnRoad is an app which intends to turn this around by becoming the ultimate driving assistant. It provides an advanced collision warning system combined with visual and audio alerts, headway distance monitoring, driver friendly operation, personal web dashboard, safety point calculator, car locator and automatic driving detection. for iPhone, BlackBerry and Android is another application designed to minimize distractions while driving. This app reads any received text messages or emails aloud as soon as they arrive. It allows you to respond without having to touch the phone while you’re driving. You can still stay connected, but you can also enjoy complete hands-free communication. The app is easy to install and provides many customization options.
Download from iTunes Store
Download for Android
Download for BlackBerry
Not While Driving for BlackBerry
Not While Driving is a very simple application which automatically detects when your car is moving and puts the phone into sleep mode so that it does not distract you when your hands are on the wheel. When the car stops, the app will put your phone back into normal mode so that you can resume using it just as before. The app uses your phone’s built-in GPS feature to work. The app is available for free.
Download Not While Driving for Blackberry
Driver’s Ed for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
If you are a learner driver, Driver’s Ed is a useful application to keep with you on the move since it allows you to study for your United States permit test at any time. One of the most popular apps of its kind, Driver’s Ed has been downloaded over 800,000 times from the iTunes store. It is also available for free. The app provides flash cards, test questions and features to help you track your progress and deal with incorrect answers.
Download Drivers Ed from iTunes Store
Steer Clear Mobile for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
Steer Clear Mobile is an app designed for improving the safety of young drivers on the road. It helps them to stay away of potential hazards by teaching them important rules of the road. It also allows drivers to log their driving experiences including time spent in the car and conditions encountered along the way. It also provides useful tips on driving safely through different weather conditions.
These are some really great apps,i have an android and will surely try one 🙂