Uberlife is an iPhone app that lets you keep in touch with friends and be aware of their exact location, nearby or farther off. If your friend is nearby, then the application allows you to go and meet them or hangout with them, for a while. In this post, we review this social networking app for the iPhone.
Uberlife Update
The application having been updated quite a few times before has come in a big way this time, say developers. The newest version has been made more user-friendly and efficient. The existing features have been enhanced and the application as such, makes up for the gaps in schedules by setting up impromptu meetings with a tight organization on time. Both friends, when free can meet up and make up on lost time and relationships. Plus it enables you to invite others in the same location zones.
Hangout recommendations are higher in this version as compared to the previous ones. The lists which load onto the application now are much smoother and the application has become more efficient, due to the large number of bug fixes.
Features of Uberlife
A person can meet up with another person or a group of people because the user will receive a notification about the other’s location and company. By joining the other person there, hangout updates are efficiently used and these automatic updates are put to good use. A group on the application can be developed with the help of which, hangout updates can be sent to anybody who is in on the network. This 2.1.3 version makes it easy, since a lot of these features have been enhanced.
The camera filters are a great new addition to the package, which makes people look better, with clearer images and much sharper pictures that are un-pixilated and smooth. The marking of favorite places enhances following and increasing ones areas of comfort, outside the usual catch up hubs. People coming to these hubs can then be notified and updated about friends who are in the offing.
The user can update locations he’s liked and if any of the likes are similar to the location that has been previously liked, then the user is notified and requested to join in. The best advantage of Uberlife is the help wizard that makes it easier for the user to understand the way this application works. One major disadvantage however, is that it is compatible only with iOS version 4 and above. The lower versions lose out.
Hi Steve, I’m a big fan of Uberlife. They have a great app that makes it easy to meet others. You can use it to meet new people in your home town or when you’re traveling to a new city. Thanks for spreading the word about this great app!