The laptop is renowned for being a cost-effective computer. It does what you need a computer to do, but without all of that desktop-pretentiousness that usually just acts as a justification for a heftier price tag. But, believe it or not, there are laptops out there that would fall well outside the price range of your average computer user. Here are five of the world’s most expensive laptops.
The World’s Most Expensive Laptops
5) Dell M6400: $3000
This laptop from Dell sits at the upper end of their range, costing $3000. The M6400 is a great laptop for watching movies and playing games. This is because it has 1GB of graphics memory, which makes it an excellent replacement for a home entertainment system. It’s probably quite good at doing other things – like, you know, work – too, but with a screen this good, you’ll want to make the most of using this laptop for leisure.
4) Lenovo ThinkPad W700DS: $4500
Lenovo is generally considered to be a leader in the lower market for laptops, so it was a surprise to the computing community when the W700DS, and its price tag of $4500, was released. The laptop arguably has a ‘smarter’ design than the rest of Lenovo’s range, but what you really pay for is this device’s hardware. It comes with Core 2 Quad Extreme and 4GB of RAM, making it a great laptop for people who need to use their laptop for tasks that you would usually rely on a desktop for.
3) Ego for Bentley: $20,000
Ah, Bentley: they’re not very good at keeping the price down on products, are they? Their foray into technology has produced this: the aptly named ‘Ego.’ But, with relatively low specifications such like a 160GB hard drive, you’re really just paying for the brand.
2) Tulip E-Go Diamond: $35,500
Again with the ‘ego’ naming, the Tulip E-Go Diamond is a snazzy little laptop that is designed to look like a woman’s handbag, so that it appeals to a female demographic. The jury is still out on whether this strategy of aesthetics actually works, but, regardless of its effectiveness, with a leather chassis and streamline features, this is actually quite a physically appealing laptop. But, for the price, the question does remain as to whether a sensible woman would just buy a cheaper laptop and, you know, put it in her handbag.
1) Luvaglio: $1,000,000
Yes. You read that correctly. One. Million. Dollars. For a Luvaglio laptop. Luvaglio are the world leader in manufacturing luxury laptops, which they allow their customers to design themselves by choosing between different leathers and expensive metals to create a chassis. The specifics are okay, with a 128GB solid state drive, but, ultimately, the value of this laptop isn’t about specs, it’s in knowing that, in your hot little hands, you are holding the world’s most expensive laptop.
Frances Ward is a student from Sydney. She likes the look of these laptops, but definitely can’t afford them: do you think that she could do a laptop rental?
Nice! I like #’s 4 & 5 had no idea that Dell had a computer that cost so much!