The iPad edition of the PDF Reader is a much discussed application that has been developed in the recent times. Being a reader app, it allows you to carry your work and enjoyment with you, at all points of time. Since, it is also a handy application lets check out its various features in detail.
PDF Reader iPad App Review
PDF Reader works in a way in which hard copies of files can be eliminated and soft copies can be stored and taken from place to place, in a more portable fashion. This application also allows sharing of information and files over the internet and amongst iPad reader users. Managing files on this application is easy, since it allows all kinds of files such as PDF, MS Office documents, iWork, and ePUB among others.
The PDF Reader also has annotated features – one can extract text directly from the PDF files, which makes it easier to convert files to any other format. On the file, the Reader allows bookmarking, outlining and thumbnails, and marking the documents to ones preference.
The touch facility of the iPad makes it easy to discard useless information by taking advantage of PDF Reader features such as highlighting, underlining and striking through text to enjoy a more comfortable reading experience. Sticky notes and any other comment can be attached to the file, so as to make it more user-friendly and efficient. The Reader has a stamp tool too, and this makes it easy to identify the status of any file.
Extra information can be typed in on the text boxes which are supported, and print annotations can be used as reference sources. Forms, documents and contracts which are in the PDF format, make it easier to be filled in, since the Reader can use a built- in browser. The free hand writing feature is great since it can reduce forgery or miscommunication and enhance confidentiality.
Documents, business cards, notes etc. can be scanned through the built in camera and much of the work can be done quickly by scanning and storing, or printing them. These can also be forwarded as emails. Image editing is also supported in this framework.
One of the disadvantages of the PDF Readers is that sometimes it crashes when the workload is more. This makes it difficult to operate the app for longer periods of time. I expect a see an update that solves these few issues. PDF Reader is compatible with iPad and requires iOS 3.2 or later.
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