In order to have a safe financial future and to guarantee you are making the most out of your finances it is important to learn to manage your finances efficiently. Luckily you don’t have to do it all manually anymore and technology with the use of apps has made it a lot easier to control your finances. Here are five great apps that can help both individuals and entrepreneurs manage their finances.
Top Apps For Managing Your Finances
1. Mint
Mint has long been one of the best selling financial apps and it isn’t any wonder. It is very easy to use and allows you to budget in multiple categories making it easy to see what you are spending your money in.
You can quickly see the overview of your current real time budget making it easier to decide if that extra pint at the pub is going to be worth it.
2. Manilla
This app is a little bit more complex when it comes to all the different things you can do with it. You can add anything from magazine subscriptions to credit card transactions. It also allows you to track your bills quite efficiently making monthly budgeting really easy thing to do.
It can also remind you of the upcoming bills making it easier to pay them on time each month.
3. Slice
If you are a big online shopper then this app is perfect for you. It takes the purchasing information from the e-mail addresses you registered to it and makes it easier to see all of your purchases in one simple glance.
It even tracks down your purchases and can send you notifications when your packages are due to arrive. Slice is really good for anyone who does their shopping online.
4. Expensify
This app is great, especially for freelancers and entrepreneurs, because it makes tracking your receipts so much easier. This function can make filling out that tax return a much quicker experience. You can also track down your expanses really easily since you just need to scan or photograph your receipt and it will add it to your monthly spending.
5. HomeBudget
Out of all the apps mentioned above this app doesn’t come for free but it is actually OK when you consider what you get with it. It performs a lot of budgeting tasks for you and the best thing is that you can sync your spending information with your other family members making it easier to see who is spending money. It also makes it easier to see the whole family budget.
The above apps are great way to keep track of your spending. If you got an idea for your own financial app then just installing the Android SDK on your computer can get you started. Websites like Marmalade can offer you a lot of helpful tools in getting your app on the market and even Business Insider offers tips on how to get your app selling.
With these apps for managing your finances, you can even make more out of your earnings.
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