You can deck your Windows PC with a ton of wallpapers and themes but nothing beats a stunning virtual aquarium. Aqua TV ($3.99) is a premium Windows app that brings an exquisite virtual aquarium to your home screen. Here’s a little more about the app.
Aqua TV – Your Virtual Aquarium on Windows 10
Aqua TV Windows App brings a highly realistic looking aquarium to your Windows PC with options to add a ton of customization to make it your own.
The first thing you need to do after download is set up your tank. You can choose between a small 42 gallon tank, a medium 150 gallon tank, and a large 930 gallon tank. he size of the tank determines how many fish you can breed in it. If you’ve got money to spend you can go for the unlimited capacity option of Tropical Reef.
After the tank selection, you can add fish, gravel, and other accessories to it. By default, the tank comes with some basic shells, but that won’t cut it. You will have to spend some money if you really want a gorgeous looking tank. IAPs range from $0.99 to $9.99.
The app offers a good collection of fish breed but if you want to go really big you even have options to add giant turtles, sharks and manta rays to the collection. As far as the accessories go, you’ll find sunken ships and treasures coral reef, and more. Gravel is also available in various colors and styles. Also included in the Accessories section are stunning background wallpapers. 3 soothing music tracks are available but you can turn that off if you so desire.
Catch the Aqua TV Teaser Trailer here.
The animations and graphics in Aqua TV are stunning and amazingly realistic. Fish lovers would no doubt sing praises about how amazing the creatures look swimming peacefully in their seabed paradise. For others, who want something more like the ability to feed fish and tap to interact with the creatures, Aqua TV can be a bit disappointing. After it, its only natural to want to do these things with your fish tank.
If you are someone who finds fish gazing a calming experience, Aqua TV can certainly be a great help around the workplace. Its gorgeous graphics and animated fish are sure to keep you chilled out throughout the day, provided you don’t care too much about the price tag. If you want to pick up the app for $3.99, click the link below.
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