With all of the information that is at our fingertips these days, it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of everything that goes on with your favorite celebrities. You need to watch Twitter, Facebook, personal websites, and probably a few other miscellaneous media outlets. If only there was a place where you could get all of this without the endless searching! Well, good news: now there is. Celeb Tweet TV is your one-stop-shop for all the latest on your favorite celebs.
Celeb Tweet TV App Review
When you open the app, you are greeted with a screen full of celebrities. Small icons with pictures show your favorite actors and actresses, comedians, musicians, athletes and more. By selecting one, you enter that person’s channel.
Inside the channel, the layout is similar to a news program. The majority of the screen is taken up by the video section. Here, you will see all sorts of content related to your chosen celebrity, from TV clips and movie previews to interviews and music videos. The app is powered by Stevie, which compiles content from all over the social media world into one place.
On the right side of the screen you will see a column which displays posts with pictures. Occasionally, this will show the next few videos in the queue, and you can tap on these in order to skip past the video that you are currently watching. At the bottom are displayed tweets that have either been written by your celebrity, or in which they or some of their work are tagged. If you would like to see only the video that is playing, you can select a full screen mode, but in this mode you can no longer see the additional content.
Any time you like, you can tap a tweet and you will be brought to the Twitter section of the app. For the full functionality, you’ll need the Twitter app installed on your phone as well. If you don’t have it, you can still view the original tweet, but not much more. If you have the app, you enter a sort of half-Twitter, half-CTTV app. The audio from the video that was playing in CTTV will continue as you do whatever you like in the Twitter universe. You can pause it and restart it at any time, and when you are done on the Twitter side, you can quickly transition back to your channel in CTTV.
Back at the home screen, there are a couple more options. One is called My Faves. Each individual celebrity icon has a little star under it, and by tapping the stars, you set your favorites. By then selecting My Faves, you enter a channel with the same format as an individual celeb’s channel, but with a mixture of content from all of your selected favorites. And the last option is called Celeb TV. This is just a grab bag of current content from randomly selected celebrities. So if you get tired of watching just one celeb’s videos and tweets, you can choose Celeb TV and mix it up a bit.
Celeb Tweet TV is quite simple to use. There really isn’t any sort of learning curve; you can easily jump right in your first time using it. The ability to seamlessly switch back and forth between channels and the Twitter app, and still listen to the video that was playing is a nice selling point. And the layout of the channels is well done too. Between the videos and the numerous posts all over the screen, there is a lot of information coming at you, but the design is such that it never seems like it’s too much.
The main con to this app is the limited number of celebrities to choose from. However, I’ll note that this is relatively speaking. I counted 133 celebs, and there really are a variety of different people represented. In the grand scheme of things, 133 isn’t that many, but in terms of the selection and the content that you get with each one, it’s not too bad. My only concern is that you may not find exactly who you’re looking for.
Celeb Tweet TV is a piece of cake to use, with a simple yet effective layout. A few key features give it a nice boost from gimmicky to useful. If you’re a social media addict, and you want to be the one of your friends that always knows what’s going on in the world of the stars, CTTV is really the best way to go.
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