iPhone users have long had the problem of not receiving messages from other iPhone users after having switched their iPhone in favor of an Android or other mobile device. This was because iOS users are required to deregister from Apple’s iMessage service once they move on to other devices. Failure to do so will result in the phone number being continually linked to the iMessage platform leaving users with other phones to wonder about the missing texts on their new device.
However, many users have since moved on to other devices without deactivating iMessage and hence the problem. Thankfully, Apple has finally made the transition process for such users smoother by releasing a new Deregister iMessage service that would now allow users to delink from the iMessage platform even after having ditched their iPhone.
If you have long lost your iPhone and are still having the problem of not receiving text messages, its time to make use of Apple’s new web tool. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to deregister from iMessage using this latest service.
How to Deregister iMessage Online
To disable iMessage online:
1. Navigate to the Deregister iMessage page by clicking this link.
2. In the Enter your phone number text box, select your country and then input the phone number you want to deregister.
3. Apple will then send you a 6 digit confirmation code. This can be received on any phone using the number.
4. After you receive the code, in the Enter confirmation code text box, input the code.
5. Click Submit.
How to Deregister iMessage from the iPhone
However, if you still have the iPhone you were using earlier, you can deregister by following the steps given below.
Ensure that you have your SIM card inserted in the iPhone (in case you have removed it). Also check to make sure you have access to your cellular data.
1. Go to Settings->Messages.
2. Turn off iMessage.
Once you deactivate iMessage account, you should start seeing messages sent from other Apple users. It might take some time before other phones start recognizing that you are no longer on the iMessage platform.
If you still have issues after you deregister iMessage you can check Apple’s FAQ’s to find out a solution.
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