College education is an expensive investment. You need to pay the tuition fees, board and lodging, as well as exorbitant amounts on text books. Wouldn’t you want a way to save money on textbooks so that you can spend it on something else? The solution is the services offered by Touch Textbooks. Touch Textbooks has a large collection of college textbooks online allowing you to download college textbooks for free.
But, before you can do that, you need to register with Touch Textbooks by paying a one-time registration fee of $49.95 and you will have a lifetime’s worth of text books to download to further your education.
Download College Textbooks with Touch Textbooks
The Touch Textbooks library boasts of over 3 million text books from over 5000 subjects ranging from accounting to animal science, nursing, and music. You can download college textbooks in several languages from anywhere in the world. While most textbooks are in the English language, you can also get titles in German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Spanish and Mandarin, just to name a few. Touch Textbooks also provides 24/7 chat support to answer any concerns or queries you may have about your download.
Touch Textbooks lets you download college textbooks on any device you capable of reading eBooks, such as the iPad, Android tablet, Amazon Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Sony e-Readers, laptops, and more. The advantage of digital textbooks is that you can carry them anywhere, access them anytime, zoom, highlight, bookmark, look up definitions or meanings, copy and paste entire sections and make the best use of the advantages that mobile technology has to offer.
Touch Textbooks promises that its services are 100% legal, because they have purchased the right from the publishers to distribute their work in the digital format. This is where the bulk of the onetime registration fee of $49.95 goes into; the rest is for maintaining the services of the website. And it must be noted that there are no recurring payments as this is not a subscription based service.
If you are wondering whether the textbooks you want are available in their library, simply type the name of the book in the Search box on their website to find out.
Touch Textbooks also offers a no questions asked, 60-day money back guarantee. So, if for some reason, you no longer need the service, you can avail a full refund within sixty days from registration.
So, if you are a school, college, or university student, or just need access to textbooks for your research, why not give Touch Textbooks a try. It promises to be a useful site. And if you are already a member of Touch Textbooks, share your experiences with us and let other readers know their services have benefited you.
Register for Touch Textbooks here.
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$49.95 is an affordable price by most college students, and I think Touch Textbooks worths the money since you are able to download unlimited college textbooks for free without having to buy them. Love it so much!
This is amazing just $49.95! I spend almost $1000 for my first semester in university. This deal is huge savings.