Successful people have a few common characteristics that make them great. A powerful drive, passion, optimism and willpower are some of the qualities that you need to follow and nurture to join the ranks of successful people and achieve your goals successfully. Philipp Inderbitzin’s Willpower Challenge App uses scientifically proven methods and artificial intelligence to boost your willpower, motivation and self-control in the short-term and in the long-term.
Willpower Challenge App

The Willpower Challenge app lets you set smart goals, visualize them and track your progress on a regular basis. It does this using a 4-step process. Plan – Do – Check – Act.
All goals are mapped to pre-configured concepts such as intellectual, emotional, social, physical, financial, spiritual or environmental goals.
Setting a Goal
The first step to getting started with the app is to set a goal. You give your goal a name, include a description, set a target date, choose the time when you want to work on it, and the amount of time you want to spend on it each day.

Once your goal is created, you can set up tasks for each calendar day, add a level of priority and apply reminders. When the tasks are completed you can check them off as done. The goal detail view lets you see all the details of the goal including your weekly and overall progress.
Adding Comments
The app has a goal achievement diary that lets you keep thoughts related to your goal on one page. Adding comments on the diary tends to have a relaxing effect. Problems when written down tend to become less imposing. It also helps you overcome willpower challenges and improve the way you achieve your goals.
Tracking Goals
Willpower Challenge uses 2 different methods to track progress. The Earned Value Method is calculated based on how much work you have already completed to the total amount of work that needs to be completed for goal achievement. The progress is displayed with circular progress tracking bars. Goals can also be tracked using a simple measurement, such as a user defined name, unit and number of decimals.
How the App Boosts Willpower
The app helps in keeping you motivated using a Willpower Boost Function. It does this by analyzing certain conditions, which are determined using a series of questions.
Based on your input, it recommends that you take specific actions. This function suggests 3 out of 22 actions that will strengthen your willpower in the specific situation you are in. After you choose an action, you can evaluate if the action was successful or helpful.
As you use the app, machine learning takes over and provides better support for future goals. It learns from previous successes and failures and will adapts suggestions for actions based on this learning.
Boosting with Motivational Quotes
The app also features a list of motivational quotes you can choose to set as reminders for completing your tasks. Or you can select random motivational quotes to display each day. This helps to keep you motivated to work on your goals on a regular basis.
Final Thoughts
If you are struggling to achieve your goals, or staying motivated, an app such as Willpower Challenges can help you out. Check out the app on Google Play and tell us what you think.
Download link: Google Play | Price: Free, Includes IAPs
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