Many people wish to improve their writing skills with a variety free and paid apps and gadgets. These people include students, teachers, and professionals. You may be a beginner in English writing. Language-learning apps are available for beginners. You may be able to learn synonyms and phrases if you already have a good grasp of the language. Apps and gadgets can help you improve your writing skills. With help from our colleagues from here – we made this list. We believe it will help you to improve your writing – whether you are a native English speaker or not.
Tools to Help You Write Better

Grammarly will help you check your grammar
Grammarly, a writing extension or app that can be used to help improve your writing skills, is the first app that pops into every writer’s head. You can download both the free and paid versions at your convenience. It works with all major operating systems and is compatible with many different purposes. With Artificial Intelligence, Grammarly improves your sentences and gives you valuable insight into the tone of the writing you’ve chosen. Grammarly also provides synonyms and easy replacements for words. Grammarly improves grammar, syntax, flow, and sentence structure wherever needed.
Hemingway Clarify and simplify your text
Hemingway is a helpful tool that simplifies writing and guides writers. It makes your writing clearer and more readable. Hemingway uses colour coding to highlight sentences in text. Hemingway does this by using red, yellow and blue colours.
These colours can be used to indicate dense sentences, complex sentences, long sentences, use adverbs, phrases and passive voice. Clear colour coordination makes it possible to focus on these areas and improve the quality of your text.
Keep a consistent writing routine with DailyPage
DailyPage encourages writers to use the pen or keyboard every day. This app is free and helpful. It provides interesting prompts and topics for writers to use to help them stay on track with their writing.
This app is a great digital resource for students. Smart features on the website are available for students who need research papers or essay writing assistance. Users can also view their daily progress and track their progress on the website. This feature is vital to writers in order to stay motivated and write well.
Clear the clutter with Evernote
Evernote is a great tool for organizing and task management. This is a note-taking and organizing app that can be used by many writers for different reasons. Evernote can help you organize your thoughts and ideas and arrange them in a way that is easy to use for your paper or essay. Writers can create thoroughly-researched papers and stick to their deadlines with the aid of Evernote.
FocusWriter – Improve your focus
Writing is essential for many people from many fields. Writing apps and gadgets are not just for full-time writers. FocusWriter makes it easy to focus on your writing task by eliminating distractions and allowing you to concentrate.
Nowadays, most writers work on laptops or computers. Our smartphones are always with us, at all hours of the day. It creates a distraction-filled environment that can affect the quality of a writer’s work. FocusWriter reduces clutter by eliminating unnecessary elements from its interface. The only features it has are a timer and a writing box. There is also a spell-check function.
Final Thoughts
It can be difficult to decide which app or gadget is best for you. We hope that we have helped you to narrow down the options. Perhaps this article will help to find the right writing app for you.
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