There may be instances where you have more than a couple of worksheets in Your Excel 2010 workbook and you might want to number the worksheets in a single go rather than have to do it individually for each worksheet. This is possible by using the grouping feature, which lets you accomplish a common task across multiple worksheets, such as formatting data in multiple worksheets. In this tutorial, learn how to insert page numbers in multiple worksheets in Excel 2010 using the Page Setup dialog box.
How to Insert Page Numbers in Multiple Worksheets in Excel 2010
Remember that when you print out each individual worksheet, there may be multiple page numbers in each worksheet. To add page numbers to all worksheets in a sequential order:
1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog Box Launcher.
2. If necessary, in the Page Setup dialog box, on the Page tab, in the First page number text box, type the number that you want to use for the first page.
By default, when you print an Excel worksheet, the worksheet is numbered from top down and then from left to right. If you want to change the worksheet to be numbered from left to right and then top down, in the Page Setup dialog box, on the Sheet tab, in the Page order section, select Over, then down.
3. Now select the worksheets you want to add page numbers to. Just click a worksheet, press Shift or Ctrl keys to select more than one worksheet.
4. In the Page Setup dialog box, on the Header/Footer tab, click Custom Header or Custom Footer.
5. Click inside the Left section, Center section, or Right section text box to specify where you want the page number to be displayed.
6. To insert a page number in the header, click the Insert Page Number button in the Header dialog box.
7. To include the total number of pages to the page number section, click after the placeholder text &[Page], enter a space, type of, press the Spacebar, and then click the Insert Number of Pages button.
8. Click OK to close the Header dialog box.
9. Close the Page Setup dialog box.
You have now successfully inserted page numbers in multiple worksheets.
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I don’t use excel too often any more, but when I do there is always something I want to do but can’t figure it out. Which is how I came upon this post. Thanks, you answered my questions on how to insert page numbers. By the way, I also red through a few of your other posts – “favorate-ed” your blog.