Note taking apps are aplenty on Android. Evernote, Google Keep, ColorNote have been around for what feels like ages and these are definitely some of the best note taking apps for Android. In this post, we are turning our focus not the best apps in the Google Play Store, but to some of the more recent notes apps that were launched during the year. If you want to try something new, you should be able to find something that catches for fancy in this list.
Fresh New Notes Apps for Android (2014)
1. ImagiNote Love Note Taking

ImagiNote is a stylish notes app that lets you take down notes by date and assign it as a reminder in your calendar or set it as an alarm. You can take pictures from within the app and attach them as notes, attach gallery images to your notes, dictate voice notes, organize your notes in groups, assign colors to them, search and share notes easily. It offers a convenient tablet mode as well as 5 text sizes for easier viewing.
ImagiNote is free to download but you can only use a limited number of notes in the free app. The upgrade page gives you access to some attractive background wallpapers, let you choose between a light and dark theme, choose opacity, choose a date format and more. You can upgrade for just over a dollar to get to free updates for life.
Note: This app is no longer available on the App Store.
2. WinPad Notes
WinPad Notes is a unique note taking app that has a menu much like you would see in a Windows notes app. A Status bar displays the line, characters, and number of words that you have entered. The File menu lets you open a new file, open a TXT file stored on the SD card, and even save the notes to internal storage. The Edit menu lets you paste text, select text, and add a date and time.
The Format menu lets you wrap text and change the font, font style, and font size. The View menu lets you toggle the Status bar on and off. At the moment the app supports about 10 fonts and the developers are promising more good features in the upcoming versions. If you want a no-distraction, practical notes app, this free note taking app is worth checking out.
Note: This app is no longer available on the App Store.
3. Notepad

Notepad is a bare boned utility that lets you add a title and a note, which shows up on the home screen of the app. Note saving like most other applications is automatic. At the moment there is nothing more to the app except the option to change the theme from black to white. Future plans include adding lists, reminders, more themes among other features. One sweet feature of the app is the ability to turn off the ads it displays. If you just want a no-nonsense notes app, take a look at this one.
4. Simple Notepad Free
This is another bare boned app that lets you take quick notes or detailed notes as you prefer. The options to create notes lie at the bottom of the screen, just below the ad, which doesn’t speak well for the app. To add a short note, just start typing in the text box and tap the arrow button when you are done.
To write a detailed note, hit the dotted menu and you can add a title, the detailed instructions and if you wish to add a color code to the note, you can tap the arrow at the left of the screen and pick a color. Notes are saved on the Home screen and can be deleted by long pressing it.
Note: This app is no longer available on the App Store.
5. SwipeNote Notes Notepad
SwipeNote is a stylish notes app that stands out for its ability to let you mark your notes as important or unimportant ones using the Star format. The tabbed home page lets you see at a glance notes that are important and those that are not. Once you create a note, you can also share it using the button available at the top of the screen.
You can also make a backup of your notes if you want to move the notes from one smartphone to another one. Backed up notes will be copied to your memory card to the file swipenote.db in the folder MEMORY_CARD/SwipeNote/backup/. To restore the notes, you must place this file in the MEMORY_CARD/SwipeNote/backup/ in the new device and hit the Restore from memory card option.
A settings screen lets you further customize your notes app. You can change the font, font size, order of the notes, and the appearance of the notes as a grid or a list. SwipeNote is definitely an attractive notes app that is worth using if you want to distinguish your important notes from the not so important ones.
6. Simple Notes Pro

Simple Notes Pro will be available under the name Easy Notes in your app folder. It has a polished textured home page that lets you take notes in a straightforward fashion. You can add color backgrounds to the notes from the button placed at the top of the screen.
You can put your notes into folders, organize them by colors, export text to your SD card, sync your notes with Google Task, and search your notes. You can also open a note and turn it into a checklist, set a reminder, share it, change the font size and delete it. This app is certainly worth taking a look at if you want a simple app with plenty of functionality.
Note: This app is no longer available on the App Store.
The notes apps featured in this list include some simple, straightforward apps plus some attractive ones but pack a punch with solid features. The best note taking app in this list would be ImagiNote although Simple Notes Pro comes a close second, but to each his own.
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