The number of the users of mobile computing devices such as tablets and smartphones is increasing at a very fast rate, and the personal computer is gradually being relegated to the background. Even lugging a laptop around is nowadays found cumbersome by many users. The recent times have seen a growing preference for Android-based devices. The web developers are also a part of the growing tribe of Android device users and are forever on the lookout for Android web development apps. These apps enable the developer to handle almost every aspect of website development including creating web pages, testing them on a web server running on an Android device, moving the file to the external web host and making it live, etc. Some of the most useful Android web development apps are….
Most Useful Android Web Development Apps
WordPress for Android: This open source app allows creation of new posts, editing the content, viewing the stats and managing the comments. Its built-in notification feature keeps you up-to-date.
Joomla! Joooid 1.1 Editor: With the app you can publish articles having HTML text, galleries, images and maps including the GPS determined position from where article got published.
Drupal Editor: As any other CMS app, this also allows creating, posting and editing of articles on the website. For the app to work, you have to enable the Blog API.
kWS Android Web Server: This basic HTTP web server is fast & light-weight and can host most of the file types. It is good for testing out JavaScript, CSS and HTML applications.
AndFTP: With this FTP client app you can transfer your files to the web server via FTP, as well as via FTPS, SFTP and SCP protocols. It allows you to set-up many FTP servers, and also has a FTP file browser and a device file browser.
VT View Source: This is a great web development app that allows you to view the page source. It is quite simple to use, you just share the URL of the page and VT will display the source.
Webmaster’s HTML Editor Lite: The text editor that comes with the Android devices is very basic. To edit the web pages, you should use Webmaster’s HTML Editor Lite. It allows you to edit not only HTML, but also PHP, JavaScript and CSS. It also features code completion and syntax highlighting.
ConnectBot SSH Client: Whenever you need to use a telnet or SSH client, this is the best. With this Secure Shell client you can connect to the server, transfer the files to and fro, do editing, and also run commands on the remote web host, all with your Android device.
Analytix: This one of the best app that helps you in almost real time access to your Google Analytics account details.
The list given above is by no means exhaustive; there are numerous other apps that are of great use to an Android web developer. With these web development apps you can easily create, build and deploy websites through your Android tablet and smartphone.
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